Təkmilləşdirmənin Əsas Səbəbləri

Təkmilləşdirmənin Əsas Səbəbləri

Save Money Every Year on Insurance

Insurance companies recognize the extra value that our education program provides. It means less risk for them, and lower premiums for you! Our members can apply for $1 million of liability insurance for only $143 per year. That is about $75 less than other carriers. And you will continue to enjoy the lower insurance rate every year.

ACTION Certification has negotiated unbeatable insurance rates for members based upon our emphasis on education and practical knowledge. Coverage is provided by an "A" Rated major insurance company.

The Policy: $1 million liability

What it Covers: You can train clients anywhere including the gym, outdoors, client's homes and online

Deductible: None

The Cost: $143 per year

That's over $100 in savings every year!